Alfresco: Natural Mozzie Repellent
I am what some might call a hippy… as much as possible I try and stay away from chemicals and use natural alternatives. I love to experiment with essential oils and find different blends. It continually amazes me how much power is locked into in the plants around us.

Twenty years ago, I was packing for myself and my young son to go on holiday abroad. I was thinking again about what a shame it was that I’d have to spend the whole trip worrying about insects, and how much I hated applying horrible chemicals that I didn’t know enough about. Then, suddenly, I realised that I could be the person to develop a natural mozzie repellent!

Alfresco - Natural Mozzie Repellent
Using the knowledge I had accrued over the years and my real love for perfume and plants I began the journey that has brought us Alfresco, a completely natural mosquito repellent, an exquisite fragrance and a sumptuous moisturiser. The rest, as they say, is history! I’m so grateful everyday that I followed my instincts and can now bring you these products. The fantastic feedback my customers give me constantly affirms that Alfresco is something you can trust to protect and nourish you and your family time after time. Since my Alfresco Anti Bug-Bite Moisturiser is a totally deet free natural mosquito repellent, you can use it on your own and your children’s skin without worrying about what you’re putting on them. All Alfresco products are DEET free, paraben free and paraffin free. They contain the power of essential oils, ancient wisdom that has been passed down for thousands of years, straight into your very own bottles of Aqua D’Alfresco and Alfresco Anti Bug-Bite Moisturiser. Alfresco is a natural mozzie repellent that will protect, nurture and love your skin just like it deserves.