Protecting against tropical bug bites
David Charkham has a fascinating job. As a therapist who specialises in addictions, he travels the world helping clients to overcome their problems. He frequently travels to Asia and has visited Australia when he was accompanying Robbie Williams on a world tour.

"I go to the tropics two or three times a year, and always take Alfresco with me," says David. "I also took Alfresco natural insect repellent when I went on a world tour with Robbie Williams, acting as a ‘sober companion’. We went to some seriously hot places, so Alfresco was essential. As a therapist, I help people make the transition to a post-detox world, which sometimes involves unusual travel opportunities!" "I’ve loved Alfresco since it first came out 15 years ago. If I don’t protect myself, I get bitten horribly. Insects love biting my wrists, ankles and the backs of my hands – and even my head! The worst times are dusk and dawn – there are always rogue mosquitoes around at those times of day. Also, you can get bitten between the plane and the terminal, especially in the little ‘thatched’ airports in the islands around Thailand. I always think ‘I’d better put on my Alfresco’ before I get off the plane in those places." "I can’t stand Deet - it smells toxic and poisonous, really unpleasant. But Alfresco has a great smell. I also love the personal touch you get from Alfresco. I can just ring up and get a delivery straight away."