The Alfresco Guide: How to Prevent Mosquito Bites
There are also a few other tips that will make sure you can easily prevent mosquito bites.

- Alfresco perfume only!
Insects are extremely attracted to perfume, so it’s best to stay away from it. Instead, switch over to Acqua D’Alfresco, the only delicious smelling fragrance that is also proven to repel insects.
- Suncream first, repellent after
When applying both natural insect repellent and suncream, make sure to first put on your suncream, wait ten minutes for it to dry, and afterwards apply your Acqua D’Afresco. This ensures that both are at their most effective.

- Don’t forget to shower!
Mosquitoes are attracted to sweat, lactic acid, uric acid and octenol. All of these chemicals are released when you exercise and can build up on the skin. Octenol is also released in your breath, so if you’re exercising and breathing more heavily then you are more likely to attract mozzies. If you’re particularly hot and sweaty, it’s best to shower as soon as possible. Don’t forget to reapply your Alfresco Anti Bug-Bite Moisturiser and Aqua D’Alfresco afterwards!

- Genetics
According to research, 85% of the reason that mosquitoes prefer you is genetic. Yet another thing to blame on our parents! This does unfortunately mean that there’s not so much we can do about it. Best to take preventative protective steps that make it that bit harder for mosquitoes and help us prevent mosquito bites. Pick up a Try Me pack today, and be a Beauty without Bites.