Time for a holiday in London: Best British Holiday Toiletries
The pound briefly dropped 6% overnight. Buy the Best Beautiful British Luxury Holiday Toiletries “cheap as chips” (which is our English phrase for a bargain).

At one point the pound dropped 10% from $1.26 to $1.15, its lowest level since March 1985, in a matter of minutes as Asia opened for business. It regained some of its losses and was down 1.4% at $1.2440 as London closed for the weekend. Be it Winter, Spring, Summer or Autumn as now, holiday in London if you love toiletries as I do. If you live abroad, London has become bargain basement to buy all our best British brands. Including yours truly, Best Insect Repellent, Alfresco. It’s never been such a good time to be an Alfresco beauty without Bites. Anybody following my blogs, will know by now that I have a weakness for Smellies! My time off is spent meandering through pharmacies worldwide browsing the toiletries department because that's one of my favourite ways to relax.

In New York I’ve been known to disappear for a day in Bigelows. Now owned by The Limited they still retain their own independent feel and carry their own label funky label merchandise. Hmm! That's going to be an expensive trip now for me! In Hong Kong I’m very happy, pharmacies are open 7 days a week between 10a.m. and 7p.m. Whilst it will cost me more now to travel and buy toiletries abroad, what fun I had on my last visit running from Pacific Place Mall, Times Sq Mall and Harbour City searching out what our customers who love Alfresco luxury moisturiser buy in Hong Kong.

My holiday toiletries in my bathroom at The Peninsular Hotel Hong Kong.
British Holiday Toiletries - my very favourite British brands:
Aromatherapy Associates, like Alfresco the quality is the best of the best. Ainsworth homeopathic remedies which also sell their own soaps, candles and many other interesting products. Ainsworth wonderful little shop where you can buy Alfresco off the shelf. D R Harris back again in their charming shop in StJames’. Their story begins even before Alfresco! Before 1790 at No 11 St James’s Street where Harris Apothecary set up shop. Make it British at ‘Floris', shop till you drop, buy your bargains now, turn your own currency into great investments right here in London very soon, just take a look at www.floris.co.uk to know its time to take a holiday in London if only to come and buy up British toiletries, have a cheap tea at The Ritz Hotel and disappear into Mayfair or Camden Market.

The New World’s Bargain Basement.